Saturday, December 19, 2009

I absolutely adore this website and this particular set of chilren's clothing is just delishious

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So This is Christmas

Ok so I never published this back when I should, have my pride sometimes stops me from doing the things I should and sharing things that I think people will judge me for, but then I looked back and this was honest and I thought I should share it.

I have never felt this way before. I am a big Christmas sucker, I come by it honestly as my mother is possibly the biggest Christmas Sucker in the entire universe (besides Buddy the Elf) and she taught me all of her Christmas wonderment ways. This year, however lyrics like Paul McCartney's so this is Christmas, and Relient K's Always Winter resound in my ears. I have little to no Christmas Spirit, and this fact in and of itself (let alone the causes of it) is enough to make me sick to my stomache. I know that Christmas isn't about Santa, and trees, and snow, it is about something very much bigger that came in a very little package, yet even that I do not feel. I feel as it is almost a waste of time, and what the heck am I doing tucked away in my warm home with a feast of Christmas foods and gifts, when babies are starving, and so many are dying or in pain. Is that Christmas, forgetting about the pain, and the suffering for a day of presents and stuffing your face?

I recently went looking for a Christmas film to play in church on Christmas Eve, and my own ideas of Christmas sickened my, because it was one film in particular that made tears run down my cheek, of the lonely and starving and cold, and I thought to myself; No, no one wants to be crying on Christmas Eve, it is supposed to be peaceful and magical, and happy, but why? Because of the magic that happened that night? But what about all of the nights after that, what is Christmas Spirit andyway? Is it just that night?

I am trying to get in this Christmas Spirit that I so used to love and jump for joy with happiness and comfort and joy and all that, I am listening to music about small birds in fruit trees, and angels, and babies that don't cry (which lets face it is really unrealistic) and still I feel nothing, except this deep feeling of being a hypocrit, and I am putting off anything to do with Chirstmas; shopping, wrapping, baking, even preparing for Christmas Eve (which is kind of important as I am in charge of a bunch of stuff) but I just don't know what to do. Everything feels so empty, and pointless. I am angry, and that fact is that I am most likely going to delete this and never let you all read it, because it is Christmas, and I don't want to share my pain with you, I want you all to feel love and happiness and peace and joy and all of that because that is my way of loving you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Things always look different in the Morning

Ok sorry people, I had a really bad night physical pain wise, and I got emotional cause someone did something stupid that hurt my feelings. Laura and I have this saying about how I am always so different at night, or something about the dark and the light, well it is true; it is morning now and things feel different, even somewhat silly and stupid. Even though my feelings were hurt, and that is valid as Ali has told me, it was all escalated by pain and exhaustion, and anyway it is morning now (or early afternoon as the case may be) and I am ok.

Monday, November 2, 2009

You know sometimes your heart breaks and you are hurt by something you might not even think is such a big deal when you look back on it. But people don't think. They don't think about how their words and actions can hurt someone. They make a joke or say something without thinking and it hurts. Maybe if I weren't in so much pain already, if it hadn't been a bad day, or if one simple thing had gone differently it wouldn't hurt so badly. Maybe I wouldn't be sitting here with tears running down my cheeks thinking about how much I wanted my best friend to be awake right now so she could say things to me that would make the tears stop and make me feel less alone. It might not seem like anything to some people but when is enough to much? The little things built up tonight, and one to many people made a few harmless remarks. So now my head is pounding and it's three in the morning and I can't sleep because my heart hurts, because other parts of the body hurt me without even thinking about what their words would do. Why do we do that? Why are we so Freaking Human sometimes and not so Freaking Christian?! I feel like and idiot, because I don't cry in front of people and I try not to let things hurt me and here I am crying in front of all of you, because I let people in and they hurt me. I am sorry if this post isn't uplifting or sounds like a bunch of whinning to you, but talking and writing help me to feel better and right now I am hurt so I wanted to tell you. Thats all now maybe I can sleep

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Frost Bite, and Indian Names

Ok so I am in a very funny mood. I started the day off slightly normal and as time went on, I went through a slew of emotions, and all sort of thoughts ran through my head. I was Happy, even jovial, and then depressed, and then ANGRY, and now I am hyper and can't stop typing and smiling, and thinking of extremely strange things in my head. A second ago I was listening to loud angry music (one of my favorite playlists for when the world sucks) and now I am humming away to Where the Wild Things Are. Can you honestly think about murdering every pedophile in the world in one moment and in the flash of an eye come up with a hilarious Indian name for your friend (Stands With Stubbed Toe [in case you wanted to know])? Well I guess you can, because that is definately how my mind is working right now. I feel very very random, perhaps it is the frost bite setting in, yes that must be it, it has spread from my toes, fingers, and nose, just like leprosy, and it is effecting my brain. Oh Well. At least if that is true I will be smiling as I die suffering of frost bite leprosy.

Monday, September 21, 2009


You know they say that you can't pick your family; I however beg to differ.

I haven't seen my"family" (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) for a long time, and when we do see each other, it is as awkward as strangers trying to talk to each other. I have a few people I love, who are actually like 3rd cousins, but as for the people who are supossed to be there; who are supposed to be family... I don't even know who they are. My Fathers side of the family fell apart when my Grandfather died, and then 10 months later the same thing happened my Mommom died. that was 6, and 5 years ago respectively. So you see since then I have made my own family. I chose people who wanted me, who wanted to know who I was, who needed me as much as I needed them. I choose my family, and they choose me. Plain and simple. When I am lost, when they are...when something is so important to tell someone, when I just need a hug, or they are hurting, they are the people I turn to; the people I love. THEY are my family, a piece of me, my heart, and blood and genetics has nothing to do with it! You can pick your family, I am here to tell you that!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rain Storms, Homicidal Frogs and Feral Cats

Once Upon a Time;
We went for a very long walk on the beach in the dark of night and after many grievous and painful hours plowing towards our destination, the rain that had started off as an annoying drip began to pour down in cold slants against our backs. We plodded on through the harshest of weather and eventually made it to the towering pier that had for so long loomed in the distance. Aching for an escape from the ever moving sand sliding beneath our feet we crawled beneath the beams into the darkness and out onto the street. On we trod, determined now that we would have an easier journey, but alas it was to be ever out of reach of our grasps. Wet through and shivering we took the perilous and treacherous path just inches from the speeding cars ploughing down Highway 12. In front of me she shrieked and jumped and we heard its murderous cry loud and long. If frogs usually make a ribbit noise, then what in the world was that? Please don't leave me behind, the Homicidal Frogs will get me! Picking up speed isn't easy after so much plodding, but adrenaline does almost magical things to the body and soon we are all going at a pace that was... well honestly not much faster. The noises continued and we thought for sure that we were done for, and then green yellow eyes fixed in on us from the rushes and told us in no uncertain terms that this was their path and these frogs may be homicidal but they were also their property. FERAL CATS! Feral cats are dangerous, and our bodies are terribly cold now so when the lights of Haven breech our vision we make a mad dash across the slick blackness of the road and under the not-so-sheltering rim of the Sunoco station. Thank God for Ali or we might never have made it home alive!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Lately I have had this problem; I haven't been able to cry. This may sound a little weird especially if you know me—I don't cry, at least not around people if I can help it—if I cry I prefer to do so in the privacy of my room alone writing, reading, praying, or alone and watching a particularly sad movie that reminds me of something that hits homes and then bring on the tears! The only thing is lately I haven't even been able to do any of those things. Crying can be very cathartic and I could really use some catharses right about now. I am in so much pain and while this in and of it self does not make me cry, the pain builds up and eats at you emotionally and then there is family stuff and just crap that eats at you. Right about now I should really be able to cry, especially since I have had a migraine for the last 6 days that just keeps pounding away at my head; in fact right about a week ago I should have been able to cry but I can't. Oh sure I can muster up a tear or two, it is not as if my tear ducts are not working, and I can be effected emotionally by something but it's not enough. What I need right now is a gut wrenching, body shaking sob that makes you feel better somehow, the kind of cry that wrecks you and makes you feel cleaner, but I just can't seem to be able to cry and I don't know why. I have tried sad movies, music that always makes me feel something, pictures of those I love and have lost, I have tried so very hard to cry and I can't and this just makes me want to cry even harder.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Island

Sulfur salty air in my nose fills my body, lapping over me
The rushing waves smacking the sand in the distance with passionate kisses
Bitter sweet blue music over a sea of white moonlight playing in my mind
Delicious tinkling on the keys of soft reflective stars creating their own simple melody
Fingers of wind pull through my hair whispering seductively;
Close your eyes...
The shadow beneath me a beautiful friend wandering though this dream
Speak to my Heart with your music and wreck my soul with your crashing white crests.
My Friend, My Heart, My Peace
Break me, Wash me, Chase me
Never End.

I Feel it Now

I feel it now.
The passion to write. I didn't before, and then it hit me like a smack in the gut. It welled up and up in side of me and suddenly there was this thing; this feeling like my favorite sound in the world was my fingers hitting the keys of my computer pounding out thoughts and feelings flooding out and pouring over and I couldn't stop them, but whats more... I didn't want to. There is so much inside of me, I hide it and I well it up and then it explodes; in that way I am very much like my father and not my mother who is quick to temper and quick with the rest of her emotion but my father he bottles things up and up and up until the pressure builds and he explodes. I do the same thing with my thoughts and feelings. For a long time now I haven't really wanted to write—actually I haven't really wanted to do much of anything—but suddenly I do! I really want to get the things stuck in my head, out! I look at the things that my friends write, the poetry, the prayers, the ways things seem to flow so beautifully and suddenly I don't seem worthy of writing, my words don't come out smoothly seemingly given to them from the mouth of God himself. My words seem so regular so normal, and I didn't want to share my words if they weren't going to be something special. But something happened, something happened and it doesn't so much matter anymore what words I use, as long as they are the right ones. I look in the mirror and I don't see my dreams looking back at me anymore, they are slipping away and I don't want life to kill my dreams. I don't want to grope and grasp at them fading in front of my eyes something is rising up inside of me and I don't want it to stop. I told my mother I only have small wishes, I want my family to be happy—I mean true happiness—I want us to be healthy, I want a floor and a new sofa for my mother, a really good camera, my great friends... I have small wishes. My mother looked at me in the eyes and said, maybe that is the problem, you need to WISH BIG. I thought about it, and I see what she means now. I don't have the faith in God to give me the greatest desires of my heart, why should I? I don't deserve the big things, the great dreams, the happiness, because there are so many people who are so much more deserving. Why WHY would God give me more, when I have so much? I am not dying, I am not hungry, I have my family, and my home, why should I deserve anything more? I fight with him on this one, back and forth a lot when we talk. He knows I will never leave him, he knows I am here, I tell him that I can live with the pain, and the sickness, I can be complacent and never reach my dreams if only he will make the ones I love happy and healthy, if only he will care for them, it will be okay. I think maybe I am wrong though, I think God is like my mother; she is so broken hearted when I am sick, she gets so angry, she prays and prays for my pain to end...she wants my happiness. You know what, I get it now... why I deserve those things rising up in my heart; He is my father, my parent, and no parent gives something to one child and withholds it from another, no matter how deserving or undeserving. Not truly, not if they really love them, it's my love thats the problem, not his. I haven't given up. I may never get it all, but I am gonna try, I am not going to live like I am sick, but instead, I am going to live like I am dying. I am going to live my life like at the end of the day it might end, because I don't want to look back—weather or not I get wish, and live my dream—and see that I didn't live the life that God gave me. I have the faith of a mustard seed with My Great Fathers love I believe that it will grow.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bright Yellow Flowers and Black and White Boots

Nobody knows what the day will hold.

I woke up in pain and determined that this would be a bad day, and then I talked to Laura and Heather, and Mom and little things made things better. Even just watching my favorite TV show and being able to laugh out loud, it felt freeing. Somedays you can't say what you feel so you sing and you write them down. I haven't been able to say what I feel in a while, my feelings haven't been great and I try to keep those inside so I don't bother others or make them feel bad, we all have enough to worry about as it is, but some days even though you are bound and determined that you shall wallow in your own depression, you get a call from your friend, you go on facebook and talk someone else into feeling better, you help out your mom so she's not late for work, you get called with last minute questions because you are the person people can trust to turn to, you go outside and you feel the Spring and you can't help but feel hope. The Spring always give hope, things start anew again, and you have another chance at life, and you may even have another chance at the day...

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Rush of Justice

For a moment tonight I felt a rush of justice. I felt as if the things that I carry are not meaningless and that for once someone had seen things for what they are.

It did not last long. It was just the briefest of flashes; really only a glance and then it was gone. People constantly let you down and sometimes those brief moments aren't enough and you have to sit down and literally count your blessings to make sure that it is worth it to feel your injustice and pain and stress and anxiety. I found 7 things to be thankful for today; just 7, but then again 7 is the Holiest of numbers, so maybe that is all that I needed.
Oh and some really loud music to drown out everything else.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day outside today, and I hoped to go for a walk, and sit in my backyard and read my favorite book that I am reading over again, and I hoped to take pictures in the beauty of the new spring lighting. Alas I did not. I had a wonderful morning mind you, church was good, I really enjoyed worship and the sermon, and then I spent lunch with some of my favorite people, I squeezed a couple of babies, and said goodbye to Elle, and then I went home and watched my nephew take some of his first tenative steps with his big Michael Strahan gap toothed 11 month old chubby baby smile wide on his face. As soon as my babies (and of course their parents) left, I went to lie down, and rest for oh a little while... I pulled up my blinds and opened my window a crack and pretended to be sleeping in the sun, and then I fell asleep and dreampt of my home and the beach and the waves, and I did not want to get up. I lay there as I awoke, now a little freezing with the window open and all, and very sad that the light had faded. Ah well plans are meant to be broken, and I had more joy in the little moments today then I care to trade for the peace that I know my former plans would have brought me. Thank you God for days like this, and friends who become your family, and for babies so beautiful and chubby that their very presence makes everything better.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

An excerpt from a dork and stormy knight

Ok so this is two paragraphs from the book I am writing, it is inspired by the evil hords of crows the size of chickens (I mean they are frikin huge) that seem to reside in the field across the street from us. Let me know what you think.

A thousand black shadows darkened the sky; crows surrounded them like one great mass of oppression. They were the harbingers of death, bringing the scent of it to his nose, filling his body with their darkness, his very soul wretched at their presence and the knowledge of what it meant. Caws and screeches were all around and the birds themselves stayed in constant flight from tree to tree, creating circles around them, and completing the ominous gray/black feeling that came with the storm clouds and the crows. Something was wrong; no EVERYTHING was wrong! The very earth itself was crying out…

He awoke later; it could have minutes or hours the sky was still the same shade of gray/black that it had been, and he realized that the all encompassing pain had overcome him and he had passed out. A sudden flush ran up the back of his neck, as he filled with embarrassment at the thought. He was supposed to be the savior of the world, strong and impenetrable and yet he had passed out. But it was the cry that broke into his head, and the pit in his stomach, and black filled his eyes as the blood rushed from his head and he had slipped off into oblivion. Now he was awake and he needed to get out of here, he needed to move; maybe if his limbs felt the blood pounding through them, then he would feel alive again and not as if all was hopeless. His hands pushed into the frozen brown earth and lifted him up and out of the puddle of muck that had become the blood and dirt he had lain in.