Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Things always look different in the Morning

Ok sorry people, I had a really bad night physical pain wise, and I got emotional cause someone did something stupid that hurt my feelings. Laura and I have this saying about how I am always so different at night, or something about the dark and the light, well it is true; it is morning now and things feel different, even somewhat silly and stupid. Even though my feelings were hurt, and that is valid as Ali has told me, it was all escalated by pain and exhaustion, and anyway it is morning now (or early afternoon as the case may be) and I am ok.


  1. That is why His mercies are new every morning (not every night :).. And physical pain can make things so much worse, that is why we need to keep praying for your healing. Glad you're better (or at least you were when you wrote this).

  2. I was going to say exactly what briana said! Haha.

    And the simple fact that human being handle things much differently when they are well rested and have had time to fully consider it all. But mornings are beautiful things. I thank Him for them daily.

    Anywhosers, as i had told laura, i love the photo poem idea! BUT i honestly think that there are some better shots than the ones selected... Can you send me the video so i may view it again, please?
