Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day outside today, and I hoped to go for a walk, and sit in my backyard and read my favorite book that I am reading over again, and I hoped to take pictures in the beauty of the new spring lighting. Alas I did not. I had a wonderful morning mind you, church was good, I really enjoyed worship and the sermon, and then I spent lunch with some of my favorite people, I squeezed a couple of babies, and said goodbye to Elle, and then I went home and watched my nephew take some of his first tenative steps with his big Michael Strahan gap toothed 11 month old chubby baby smile wide on his face. As soon as my babies (and of course their parents) left, I went to lie down, and rest for oh a little while... I pulled up my blinds and opened my window a crack and pretended to be sleeping in the sun, and then I fell asleep and dreampt of my home and the beach and the waves, and I did not want to get up. I lay there as I awoke, now a little freezing with the window open and all, and very sad that the light had faded. Ah well plans are meant to be broken, and I had more joy in the little moments today then I care to trade for the peace that I know my former plans would have brought me. Thank you God for days like this, and friends who become your family, and for babies so beautiful and chubby that their very presence makes everything better.

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