Thursday, March 4, 2010

The cat and the tissue box

So Henry David Thoreau once said, "Write while the heat is in you" and while I realize that I just wrote something on her about five minutes ago, perhaps less at this point; I don't really care because the heat is in me and I feel like saying so many things.

About a week ago, my sisters, my mother, and I were sitting around the living room having a rousing discussion about God, and how sometimes (well lets be honest, it's really most of the time) God doesn't really give us what we want, or he does in a roundabout way, or he gives you something different but better for you, because he is God and he knows all, so while you might feel that you are suffering he is actually saving you from further suffering. I am actually surprised that I caught that much, because at that point, my poor (evil) old (should be dead by now) somewhat ailing cat began to lick open a wound she had that I am sure itched which was why she was scratching it. In response and in an attempt to stop her from further injuring herself, I launched a tissue box across the room in the direction of the cat. I didn't mean to hit her really I didn't; I mean sure she pees on every surface, and has ruined countless pieces of furniture, but she is still my cat and I do not condone inflicting pain upon animals. Well I guess you can see where this is going... I hit the cat in the head. She looked up utterly stunned and stopped licking herself, while a chorus of angry cries assailed my ears, mixed with a slight giggle from one of my sisters. Hey Janna! What the heck! Why did you hit her (giggle giggle)? I immediately went on the defensive. WHOA WHOA I didn't mean to hit her, I just meant to scare her so she would stop hurting herself. Instead I inflicted a little pain to stop her from causing herself a lot more pain later on.

As soon as my statement was out, and AH HA! escaped my sisters lips as she turned to declare that my statement which wasn't meant to be, was brilliant! That is like God she said. You might think you are in pain now, but maybe God is just allowing a little pain in order to stop you from causing yourself more pain in the long run.

This might not seem like a huge big deal, but lately when my foot hurts, or my head aches so bad I want to drill holes in it to relieve the pressure, or when my back hurts I can't stand and sitting hurts and lying down doesn't help either, I think about that statement, and think what are you doing God? Then I think about when Heidi Baker asked that same question, and God said to her, "just wait...I'm doing something!" So okay God, I guess I can try to endure the tissue box being thrown at my head, just as long as the next thing that you throw isn't heavier.


  1. First of all, this is hilarious, as was the post before this. I find it funny that Quilt showed you something about God.

    Secondly (in response to your question of why I was up so late).......? Don't you know that this week has felt so much longer, mainly because I've been awake for just about all of it! I was putting my book together last night and it took me about 10 hours. And then I had studying and organizing my sketchbook for submission. And then finally, around 3:30, I went to bed, only to wake up at 6:30. And that, my friend, is why I was up so late. I plan to pass out as soon as I get home. Then maybe, I come over.

  2. Oh dear, well thank you, and yes come over :)
