Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Living somewhere else

Lately I haven't lived in my own reality. I have been trying to right several books for... I don't know years now. Sometimes when things get bad I get creative, for some reason I suddenly have a muse and the desire to write again. So for a while now I have been living somewhere else, in the reality of my fantasies, writing down the lives of characters who live only in my head. Their lives are better then mine, they are happier, they have adventures, and the abilities to do things that I wish I did. But I can only write, and dream and escape to the places that exist nowhere...


  1. Ahhh, but those characters can ONLY live in your head. Not anywhere else but the ink on the paper, or the font of your screen. Yes, they come alive when you let them, but you're real. You're able to do more than they can do.

    Ps. Who/what's your muse?

  2. hmm my muse is this feeling... it makes me escape

  3. I would like to meet those characters born of your imaginings some day
