Nobody knows what the day will hold.
I woke up in pain and determined that this would be a bad day, and then I talked to Laura and Heather, and Mom and little things made things better. Even just watching my favorite TV show and being able to laugh out loud, it felt freeing. Somedays you can't say what you feel so you sing and you write them down. I haven't been able to say what I feel in a while, my feelings haven't been great and I try to keep those inside so I don't bother others or make them feel bad, we all have enough to worry about as it is, but some days even though you are bound and determined that you shall wallow in your own depression, you get a call from your friend, you go on facebook and talk someone else into feeling better, you help out your mom so she's not late for work, you get called with last minute questions because you are the person people can trust to turn to, you go outside and you feel the Spring and you can't help but feel hope. The Spring always give hope, things start anew again, and you have another chance at life, and you may even have another chance at the day...